Via Giovanni Pascoli, 4247030 San Mauro Pascoli (FC)
Tel: 0541 810100
Fax: 0541 934084
info@casapascoli.it Web Site
Weekday opening times: from 09.00 to 12.30 and from 16.00 to 18.00
Holiday opening times: from 09.30 to 12.30 and from 16.00 to 18.00
Weekly closing times: closed on Mondays
Opening period: all year long
Ticket : …………………………………… € 2,00
Reduction : ……………………………… € 1,00 (for teachers and 18-25 years)
guided visits: …………… € 3,00
(plus the entrance ticket)
Guided visits only:
- in italian language;
- in the morning;
- on boking;
- for groups of minimum 15 people.
Accessible: by car and by free bus from San Mauro Mare only in summer (from June to September, every Thursdau morning starting at 8.30 am, reservation required at the IAT in San Mauro Mare 800 580 920).
The Pascoli house has been a national monument since 1924. The poet Giovanni Pascoli was born here on 31 December 1855 and spent the early years of his childhood here. The family moved to the 'Torlonia' estate for a short period and returned to the house after the death of Giovanni's father Ruggero. Further misfortunes forced the family to sell the house. The poet was always very attached to this house where he spent his youth. It was destroyed during World War II (only the kitchen remaining unharmed) and later rebuilt as a small museum of domestic life. Beyond the kitchen there is a studio containing showcases of rare editions of some of Pascoli's works and numerous letters sent to his friends in San Mauro. Then there is the bedroom with a very old wooden cradle. In the garden outside some of the plants, mentioned by the poet in his poems, can be seen, and on a marble plinth in the centre of the garden there is a bronze bust of the poet.
During the summer the town council organizes some guided tours and many poetry events inside the garden of the house.
For booking and information: info@casapascoli.it – tel. 0541.810100
Latest update: 29/09/2021