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Piazza Mazzini, 347030 San Mauro Pascoli (FC)


Surface: 17.35 square km
Altitude: 0-27 metres above sea-level
Inhabitants: 11.960
Population density /per square km: 572
Cartographical reference: (IGM 1:25.000)

Accessibility: can be reached by car and public transport (bus Line Start Romagna Gatteo/Savignano)

distance from motorway exit
Valle del Rubicone:
8 Km
Rimini north: 10 km
distance from Bellaria railway station (Rimini-Bologna line): 2 Km
distance from Rimini-Miramare Airport: 25 km
distance from Forlì Airport: Km 40
Main roads: SS 16 Adriatica and SS 9 Via Emilia
District roads: Via Cagnona

San Mauro Pascoli is very well known for shoes production, as well as for the birth house of the poet Giovanni Pascoli.

Latest update: 25/11/2021

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