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Via Marina, 1447030 San Mauro Pascoli - San Mauro Mare (FC)


Weekday opening time: from 7.00 am to 8.00 pm
Holiday opening time: from 7.00 am to 8.00 pm
Weekly closing day: not foreseen

Opening period: during the summer season from 1st May to 30th September

Accessible: on foot

- Surface that fronts onto the sea m.40
- Whole beach surface sq m.900
- Cabins n. 5
- Umbrellas n.65
- Beach beds n.120
- Deck chairs n.20
- WC n.1
- Open-air showers n.2
- Warm showers n.1
- Cold showers n.1
- Feet-washers n.1
- Nursery

Grandispiagge is a company that brings together the following beaches: Adolfo, Ermes, Royal, Sergio e Neri, and offers centralized services and entertainment; it also manages 'Fido Beach', a small beach where tourists can experience sea life in the company of their pet friends.

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Latest update: 05/05/2023

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